Social Studies Entry:
Our Social Studies lessons are divided into two sessions: Histry (three days a week) and Geography (two days a week). For History we are studying the Hitler's Youth. The Hitler's Youth was the belief of Hitler that the future of Germany were its children. The Hitler Youth began in the 1920 but in the 1933 it had only 100,000 children. In 1936 there were 4 million members. There were several organisations for boys and girls. The boys learned how to become soldiers and the girls learned the motherhood.
Motherhood is the 'kinder, kiche, kuche', which is to llok after children, know how to cook, and go to church.
At age 10, boys joined the 'German Young People' and at the age 13 they were trained at the Hitler Youth until 18.
J.R. Tunus, a writer of those times, claimed that as 'military athletics' they did: marching, bayonet drill, grenade throwing, trench digging, map reading, gas defence, use of dogouts, how to get under barbed wire and pistol shooting. It was really hard working!
This entry was really interesting. Remember to proof before publishing. Elena
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