Friday, January 12, 2007

Nicola Morgan-Sleepwalking: ( Novel 7 Entry)
In this book we find ourselves in a world that has been transformed into a far different world, which is completely controlled through one single building. The Citizens do not realize this as they are in the there own world, where you cannot be made upset by such trivial things. However there is a small group of people that do realize how this world is run. They can also use their minds clearly so, therefore see that the world should be changed. But this is not made easy as the police force starts to hunt out this band of people. Now that a new plague is killing off the group, the fate of the world is in three teenagers hands. Morgan's style of writing causes the plot to be extremely believable. She also portrays the characters very and really makes you care about them.


At 1:23 PM, Blogger Matteo Z said...

Dear Sofia,

You wrote an excellent synposis of the novel and convinced me to read it. Perhaps you should have explained more the setting and characters.

Best regards

Matteo Z

At 6:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your synopsis was really excellent and I thank you for having lent me this book.
Thank you again,

At 5:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sofia,
Nice synopsis, it sounds like a good book and i am considering reading it!

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Sophia T said...

Nice book and accurate synopsis!


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