Caroline Cooney
"Twins" by Caroline Cooney is a great book. It is about teen twins: Madrigal and Mary Lee. Mary Lee's parents are separating their daughters who did everything together by sending Mary Lee to a far off boarding school. Mary Lee can't imagine why and expects Madrigal to beg her not to go but Madrigal says she thinks its a good idea. Mary Lee goes to boarding school and barely ever hears from Madrigal until she comes to visit. Mary Lee is not popular and everyone thinks she's nuts when she is excited that her "twin" is coming. Madrigal becomes everyone's best friend and when she sees her twin hurt by this, they switch ski outfits and pretend to be each other but Madrigal has a ski accident and dies with everyone thinking that she was Mary Lee. Mary Lee goes back home to live Madrigal's life, thinking Madrigal had the much better life and that their parent's liked Madrigal better because they sent Mary Lee to boarding school. But Mary Lee finds out Madrigal was not the person she thought Madrigal was.